Sandan no yu - Takimi no yu (Hokkaido)
三段の湯・滝見の湯 (北海道)


Free bathing 24 hours per day!
Swimsuits used for mixed-bathing
Home page (in Japanese)
Phone : 01522-4-2331
Address :
北海道 斜里郡 斜里町 岩尾別温泉
Maps : Mapfan - Google

Number of baths










Spring information

Water type : chloride salts

Onsen in Hokkaido

Ashi yu (Kawayu Onsen)
Hotel New yu no kaku (Kawayu Onsen)
Onneto yu no taki (Onneto)
Tennen yukoro onsen (Niseko Hirafu)
Yamada onsen hotel (Niseko Hirafu)
Daiichi (Yoroshi Onsen)
Karamatsu no yu (Yoroshi Onsen)
Kotan (Lake Kussharo)
Sunayu (Lake Kussharo)
Wakoto Onsen (Lake Kussharo)
Sandan no yu - Takimi no yu (Iwaobetsu Onsen)
Kuma no yu (Rausu)

Other links
Link to Iwaobetsu ryokan; the rotenburo does not belong to the ryokan, however

The small, slightly isolated bath - just for a couple!


(explanation on symbols)

Ratings   (explanation of our rating system)

Global rating :     
Those two free onsen are located very close to the Hotel Ti no hate, but do not formally belong to it. Sandan no yu is a kind of three-stories bath, with the water flowing from one bath to another. At about 100 meters from them, another very small bath, Takimi no yu, is also available, located close to a small waterfall. In the above-mentioned hotel, another rotenburo is also available (500 yens, closed in winter).

Size :    
Sandan no yu baths can host, each of them, around 4 persons, while the Takimi no yu one is much small, just allowing 2, eventually 3 persons in bath at the same time. Takimi no yu tend to be popular among couple, as it is a little bit isolated.

View :     
Limited view on a small river, and of course on the surrounding trees.

Modesty :     
In Sandan no yu, people usually wear a swimming suit, while in the smaller Takimi no yu, it is a little bit more usual to soak in the nude.

Area :      


The most famous onsen of the area is definitively Kamuiwakka Yu-no-taki - basically a waterfall of hot water, with people (a lot of them, usually) bathing there. However, this onsen is closed from November to May, and therefore we decided to visit Iwaobetsu Onsen instead.

Just after being welcomed by staff from the nearby ryokan, we headed for the closest bath, Sandan no yu. Since many people were already there, we walked 50 more meters to reach Takimi no Yu, which was fortunately available. This small bath is much more sheltered, and no swim suit is required (although we started wearing them in case other people would come to close to us). Nobody came however, and we enjoyed soaking there until the night.



The water is falling from one bath to another...

In those three baths, people usually wear swimming costumes