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Western new Year msg
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PostYou have posted in this forum: Mon Jan 04, 2010 7:53 am Back to top

Hi everyone, esp. Modz.

Just had a thought to share.
I received your New Years greetings, thanks much.
In it, the author described a concern that the forum can't
live unless the members participate.

I agree, however, until I got the New Years msg,
I had forgotten I belonged to the forum. Smile

I signed up a year and a half ago and this is the only
notice from the forum I've gotten,

so, maybe one way to help member participation
is more regular updates about what's going on
on SJ. Smile

Thats all,

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Total posts: 715

PostYou have posted in this forum: Mon Jan 04, 2010 11:14 am Back to top

Thanks amunptah777,

First of all, I am happy that you remember know that this forum exists!

In fact, it is not our policy to have "as much posts" as possible, we just try to have good contributors who can write guides about specific areas. this annual email is more of a reminder that we count on them!

We always will have people joining to ask questions about their trip, and then disappear. But my dream is that some of them will come back on Secret Japan to share their experiences... once they receive this reminder Wink

Thanks for your message,


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