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Site Category » Public Transportation
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JR Cyber Station [J]
Online tool by JR to check the availability in shinkansen, limited express and night trains. Only in Japanese, but very helpful during peak holidays.
  Joined: 28 Dec 2007
Hits: 1201
Japanese Railways Page [E]
All information on Japanese trains, including history, pictures, timetables, travel advices, cheapest options, ...
  Joined: 20 Dec 2006
Hits: 1249
Highway buses [J]
JTB site for highway buses. Allows to check the availability and price of the different bus companies. Reservation can be carried out at convenience storres.
  Joined: 24 Sep 2005
Hits: 1275
Train passes [E]
List of the train passes available in Japan. Some are only for foreigners, but all offer interesting discounts
  Joined: 24 Sep 2005
Hits: 2672
Train timetable [J]
More powerful than the English version, allows you to choose which station you want to go through, and give also the price of monthly passes
  Joined: 24 Sep 2005
Hits: 1247
Train timetable [E]
Find the easiest or cheapest journey between two stations in Japan (valid for trains and subways); possibility to exclude nozomi shinkansen (for JR Pass holders); in English
  Joined: 24 Sep 2005
Hits: 1350

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