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All traffic jam in real time, updated every 5 minutes. Click on the map to get information on highways, or select a prefecture for details on national roads.
  Site Category: Car Rental & Traffic
Joined: 21 Dec 2007
Hits: 52749
Toyota [J]
Toyota rental car - large network
  Site Category: Car Rental & Traffic
Joined: 25 Sep 2005
Hits: 6306
Blog photos du Japon - voir le Japon autrement !
Blog photos du Japon - voir le Japon autrement !
Magnifique blog en français très actif (plusieurs mises à jour par semaine), qui traite de toutes les facettes du Japon. Enormément de photos qui illustrent idéalement les propos.
  Site Category: Blogs
Joined: 21 Aug 2006
Hits: 6286
Blog Japon d'un Gaijin
Blog de voyage au Japon d'un Gaijin. Aala vous emmène avec lui dans ses aventures au travers de ses récits, bons plans et réflexions. Il envisage même de réaliser un tour du Japon à pieds à compter de janvier 2015.
  Site Category: Blogs
Joined: 02 Apr 2013
Hits: 4040
Mapfan - Route Planner [J]
A free web site (in Japanese) to plan your road trip - just enter the starting point and the destination, and get the best itinerary.
  Site Category: Car Rental & Traffic
Joined: 12 Dec 2007
Hits: 2846
Train passes [E]
List of the train passes available in Japan. Some are only for foreigners, but all offer interesting discounts
  Site Category: Public Transportation
Joined: 24 Sep 2005
Hits: 2672 [E/J]
The largest database of restaurants in Tokyo, now also with google maps (in English and Japanese)
  Site Category: Local Guides - Tokyo Restaurants
Joined: 31 Aug 2007
Hits: 2607
Tocoo! [J]
Tocoo! is a reservation web site offering discount up to 70% for ryokan, minshuku and hotels. You need to be member (3780 yens per year) or pay an extra fee of 840 yens per person and per night. Very interesting offers can be found. Also for car rental.
  Site Category: Hotel - Ryokan - Minshuku
Joined: 22 Nov 2006
Hits: 2456
Kokumin Shukusha [J]
Hotels located all around the country and run be the government; they offer raisonnably confortable accomodation at excellent prices.
  Site Category: Hotel - Ryokan - Minshuku
Joined: 14 Oct 2006
Hits: 2435
JNTO - Guides [E]
The best part of JNTO web site is their "Practical Travel Guides", which are pdf files containing maps, details on attractions, transportation information, suggestion for lodging... Very useful!
  Site Category: Travel Guides - General
Joined: 25 Sep 2005
Hits: 2302

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