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Site Category » Travel Guides - General
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Japan cheap travel
A good start to find information on a budget travel in Japan, with tips on lodging, transportation, food
  Joined: 10 Jul 2007
Hits: 1511
Japan Geo TV [J]
This online TV offers hundreds of hours on travel in Japan, especially in remote areas. Mostly only images without comments, it is still a very enjoyable way to discover parts of the country
  Joined: 25 Sep 2005
Hits: 1790
JNTO - Guides [E]
The best part of JNTO web site is their "Practical Travel Guides", which are pdf files containing maps, details on attractions, transportation information, suggestion for lodging... Very useful!
  Joined: 25 Sep 2005
Hits: 2302
The Japanese National Tourist Organization offers an incredible amount of information for travellers
  Joined: 25 Sep 2005
Hits: 1224
qUirKY jaPan [E]
Among other things, qUirKY jaPan offers pages on "Gateways" and "Really Cool Places That Almost No One Ever Visits".
  Joined: 25 Sep 2005
Hits: 1240
Rural Japan [E]
Randy Johnson's "Favorite Getaways in Rural Japan" is a true bible for people who want to see an even more exotic Japan. Lots of information on that completely non-commercial web site
  Joined: 25 Sep 2005
Hits: 1346

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