www.pre-proj.netin Japanese (classification : database,map,mixed bath,family bath)
Very complete list of mixed and family baths in Japan. The navigation is made easy by precise maps that locate the onsen within a prefecture. Links to the onsen, as well as pictures and comments. One of the best address for konyoku (mixed bathing).
www.spa.or.jpin Japanese (classification : general,database,history,chemistry,regulations,association,links)
Official site of the Japanese Onsen Association (the logo you often find in onsen towns). A huge amount of information, from history to regulations. A searchable database of more than 2600 onsen, with access, type of water and many other interesting data. Only in Japanese, unfortunately...
www.asahi-net.or.jp/~ue3t-cb/index.htmin Japanese (classification : database,map,mixed bath)
An impressive list of onsen with a one-page resume on each of them, including general information, comments and pictures. Also proposes lists of onsen by features (mixed baths, outside baths, free baths, effective waters, etc). A quote is given for each onsen. An English version is available, but not comprehensive at all.
www.geocities.co.jp/SilkRoad-Ocean/6708/index.htmlin Japanese (classification : database)
Onsen are classified by category (hidden exclusive, special, gogeous onsen) and by area, and quoted (outside bath, inside bath and quality). Lots of pictures.
www2.gol.com/users/jolsen/onsen/index.htmlin English (classification : database,mixed bath)
Jolsen's site proposes a list of many onsen, mostly free ones as well as many mixed, around Japan. Pictures and insider stories make this web site very interesting to visit.
www.onsenexpress.comin English (classification : general,database,mixed bath)
New, graphic site in English featuring several onsen around the country. Nice pictures, with detailed explaination. A very good address, which also recommend onsen for honeymoon.
www.geocities.co.jp/SilkRoad-Desert/6040/index.htmlin Japanese (classification : database,mixed bath)
Originality of this japanese web site, onsen are quoted as function of the uncomfortness that bathing in those onsen can bring, especially for women. You can here check whether your targeted onsen has separate changing room, or if you will bath in fron of the highway!
t-tam.net/#mapin Japanese (classification : database,mixed bath,family bath)
Comprehensive list of mixed and family baths around Tokyo, provided with pictures, links and many useful information.
youkoso.nce.buttobi.netin English (classification : database,mixed bath)
The woman making this web site - which contains a very large amount of mixed onsen - obviously enjoy being take in pictures with few (if any...) clothes on her... Still, lots of information, and really a comprehensive listing of the konyoku, and baths are quoted (check the data part).
www.k-i-a.or.jp/ts-report/m-report/m-report.htmin English (classification : history)
Japan Culture Research Project consists of reseach carried our by English teachers from the USA. This 2002 study written by Mendy Nitsch is dedicated on the history of onsen in Japan. A very interesting reading.
www.env.go.jp/naturein Japanese (classification : general,chemistry,regulations)
Official web site of the Ministry of the Environment, which includes lots of official documents in html and pdf formats: onsen history, statistics, regulations, etc.
www2b.biglobe.ne.jp/~kondo/onsen/html/zatugaku.htmin Japanese (classification : chemistry,regulations)
Classifications of onsen and general regulation. Interesting (but in Japanese) to understand why a spring can be called an onsen, and which type of hot spring are encountered in Japan.
www.forumjapon.com/forumin French (classification : other)
Un forum fantastique consacre au Japon. Tout ce que vous avez toujours voulu demander sur ce pays!
www3.tky.3web.ne.jp/~edjacob/bathtub.htmlin English (classification : general,travel report)
qUirKy jAPan, an excellent site for people travelling in Japan, offers a good introduction on onsen, as well as some addresses!
onsenbaka.jpin Japanese (classification : database,map)
Database of onsen by prefecture, with clickable map (the north of Japan, however, is not referenced). Precise system of quote, which should help you to choose the onsen you like!
www.citydo.com/youin Japanese (classification : database,mixed bath,family bath)
CityDo! lists many onsen, and offer a selection by area or type (outside, family, mixed or free baths). Limited but clear information on each onsen.
konyokutomonokai.alljapan.comin Japanese (classification : database,mixed bath)
Web site of a japanese couple, which also seems to enjoy being taken in picture in onsen... Baths are quoted.
www.tabiya.co.jp/onsen.htmin Japanese (classification : medical)
Which kind of baths are best to cure a specific disease... All information on this site, with a list (without links) of recommendable onsen.
www.hikyou.jp/index.htmin Japanese (classification : database,map)
Very graphic site with many pictures! Also offers an easy system of map to navigate and find a bath in a precise location.
www.ajiwainotabi-world.net/gensen/excellent/furo/k...in Japanese (classification : database,mixed bath,links)
The 100 best konyoku (mixed baths) in Japan, with one (and only one) picture for each onsen, as well as a link to a relevant page. Limited information, but allows to select an onsen by the picture.
www.soak.netin English (classification : forum)
A portal and forum dedicated mostly to natural hot springs found in USA, although some discussions are focusing on onsen all around the world. Information on US hot springs are now also available with maps.
www.sentoguide.comin English (classification : database)
Sent?Guide is a web site dedicated to sento - public baths you will find in your neighbourhood; some 200 sento already listed.
kuchikomi.nifty.com/onsenin Japanese (classification : database)
Nifty onsen is a huge database, where visitors can leave comments on the onsen they visit; onsen are also classified as function of the quote they received. However, since everything is in Japanese, people with limited knowledge of this language won't find this web site very attractive.
www.jandodd.com/japan/top10s_onsen.htmin English (classification : )
Jan Dodd's 10 best onsen in Japan
www.anatol.org/projects/rachel/springs.htmlin English (classification : general)
Rachel Farnay's discovery of japanese onsen
www.mountaintrad.co.jp/in Japanese (classification : database)
Dedicated to onsen located in the mountains. Many nice pictures of luxurious Nature, but this site is not easy to visit and understand for non-Japanese speakers.
www.nihonkai.com/jun1969/in Japanese (classification : database)
A web site where any hole in the ground with hot water can become a gorgeous onsen... some very small, hidden bath where perhaps you will be one of the first to soak! Onsen are sorted by theme (sea, mountain, etc) and area.
www.geocities.co.jp/MotorCity-Circuit/6289/in Japanese (classification : database,mixed bath)
Onsen visited by motorbike... A large selection, with many mixed baths. Onsen are quoted.
www.trainfrontview.net/spa.htmin Japanese (classification : database)
No car in Japan? This site lists onsen located close to train stations, and quote them.
www.onsen-navi.netin Japanese (classification : database,map,family bath)
A huge database with more than 2000 onsen, searchable by features. The site provides however few details - except very general information, but links directly to the web page of the corresponding onsen. Also a commercial web site.
www.asahiryoko.co.jp/hitoin Japanese (classification : database,map,association)
Association active in the protection of hidden onsen, which also publish a nice booklet with the list and description of the ryokan belonging to it.
kashikiri-onsen.comin Japanese (classification : database,map,family bath)
Database of ryokan and hotels offering kashikira baths (family baths, or bath that you can reserve for a small group). Quite commercial, however.
www.yanagi.tv/onsen/onsen-list/onsen_list.htmlin Japanese (classification : database,chemistry)
List of onsen with their chemical type - only for people really interested by the chemistry.
www.asahi-net.or.jp/~ck4t-hri/kydo/fwkyodo.htmin Japanese (classification : database)
A guide to japanese public onsen, listed by prefectures.

Please check this page for other links related to Japan, but not directly onsen.

The following classification is used :
- general information on onsen
- database with list of onsen
- map for easier search
- mixed bath specifically listed
- family bath specifically listed
- history of onsen
- chemistry and type of water
- regulations and laws
- medical information
- association related to onsen
- travel report on specific baths or areas
- other sites on Japan